Monday 20 June 2011

We have managed to get to the final stage of developing our Ashley School Charter (2011 - 2013).
We look forward to your feedback.  A shorter version will be coming out to you all this week and the full version is available to read via the school office. Any feedback / thoughts please put them into a sealed envelope and put in the office - we will review them all at next weeks Board meeting (the 29th June)...
Look forward to hearing your thoughts... (positive and constructive!)  :)

Thursday 9 June 2011

Charter Development

There has been a great deal of consultation and thought from many people to produce the Ashley School Charter.  Its foundation comes from the needs of the students and from the community.   Information and feedback for this document has been from knowing the students needs, the consultation with the learning community, our schools programme of self-review and our understanding of the schools assessments data.

This is our plan for the future.        
We look forward to sharing more with you and hearing your thoughts ...