Sunday 22 May 2011

Charter Development

We had a great meeting on Monday with staff that has set us up well for today's session to develop the Ashley School Charter. The charter is a document that basically describes who we are as a school, where we want to be, and how we are going to get there.Should be interesting!

Thursday 5 May 2011

Board Meeting

The Board took part in and observed how Numpa testing is done in the school. We quickly discovered that NUMPA is a very thorough test that informs teachers well about next step learning for the kids. We also have a better appreciation about the efforts that the staff have put onto this form of assessment and as well as the nature of maths education in schools.
We are now looking forward to a similar experience with Reading testing.
Ashley BOT.  

The First official Board Blog!

Testing to see if this really does work. Cheers.